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well,it helped us know about new things like iron,computors,cotton gins,and etc.....

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Q: How did the inventions in the textile industry lead to outer inventions?
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What companies lead the miscellaneous textile industry?

Takata Inc., and TechnoTrim Inc. lead the industry.

What early industries mechanized in us?

Textile Industry lead the way and was followed by clothing and shoemaking industries .

What are the innovation in textiles?

Spinning is the basis for a Textile component to develop.Flying shuttle was invented by John Kay,Spinning Jenny was invented by James Hargreaves, Water frame was invented by Richard Arkwright. These inventions lead to a Succesful Textile industry.

How did the spinning mule impact society?

The spinning mule was a device that spun cotton. It is important because it revolutionized the textile industry. Ultimately, it lead to a great increase in textile production.

What is the motto of National Textile University?

The motto of National Textile University is 'Innovate and Lead'.

What lead to the achievement of the British textile industry?

The industrial revolution. Certain inventions during the industrial revolution helped speed up textile production. The John Kay's flying shuttle, made in 1722, helped speed up weaving, while the James Hargreaves's' spinning jenny, made in 1764, and the Richard Arkwright's Water frame, 1769, helped speed up thread spinning.

Why was textile manufacturing important to the industrial revolution in great britian?

It was one of the earliest industries to find success industrializing and inspired others to follow its lead. This industry provided profits to England and expanded the markets for textile products world wide.

What is the verb phrase in the project can lead these scientists to future inventions?

Can lead

What inventions lead to the computer keyboard?

The typewriter.

What is is the verb phrase in this sentence The project can lead these scientists to future inventions?

can lead

Did the colt revolver lead to other inventions?


What other inventions did the airplane lead to?

the rocket ship