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Q: How did the interactions affect the development of Pennsylvania and in colony times?
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Was Pennsylvania a royal colony or not?

Pennsylvania was a proprietary colony.

What colony is Pennsylvania located?

Pennsylvania is a colony....

When was the colony of Pennsylvania made?

The colony of Pennsylvania was originally founded in 1682.

What is the Pennsylvania Colony like today?

The Pennsylvania colony no longer exists. Pennsylvania is now a state in America

The colony of the Quakers?

Pennsylvania colony

Where is the colony and What is the climate?

the colony is in pennsylvania

The religion group that settled the colony of Pennsylvania was the?

The Quakers settled in the colony in Pennsylvania.

What colony had Quakers and brotherly love?

Pennsylvania was settled as a colony for Quakers.

Was Pennsylvania a self governing colony?

Yes, Pennsylvania was a self-governed colony.

What's in Pennsylvania colony?

Pennsylvania was its own colony, one of the original 13.

What did not add to Pennsylvania's reputation as a tolerant colony?

Pennsylvania was the first colony to ban slavery.