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As more products came on the market, wealth increased, and countries started making more money. As more money flooded the market, so it led to inflation.

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Q: How did the increase of trade in the global exchange led to inflation?
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How did the increase of trade in the global led to inflation?

As more products came on the market, wealth increased, and countries started making more money. As more money flooded the market, so it led to inflation.

What is global trade?

Global Trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. Also, global trade could be taken in the context that there are no barriers to trade, thus there is global 'free' trade between countries.

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It is likely that global trade will continue to increase in the future due to ongoing globalization, advancements in technology, and the increasing interconnectedness of economies. However, factors like trade barriers, political tensions, and economic instability can impact the growth of global trade.

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Information about global trade can be found on Global Trade Alert, Global Trade Corporation, World Trade Organization and Global Trade Information Services.

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The economies of the world are all dependent on one another, because of these trade practices and agreements they've outlined. The trade agreements keep each country of the world accountable for their own economies and for the peaceful exchange of goods and services across the world. It is this exchange and interdependence that keeps the global economy afloat and working.

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What is difference between trade and aids to trade?

Trade mean exchange of goods & all those activities which directly or indirectly facilitates exchange of goods are called Aid to Trade. Things which provide Aid to the Transport, Communication, Warehousing, Banking, Insurance, Advertising, Salesmanship, Mercantile agents, Trade promotion organizations in a country and Global organizations for international trade. CLICK HERE to READ MORE