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it took lnad away from the natives and were given to the whites. (Essay)

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Betty Wilderman

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Q: How did the homestead act effect the native Americans?
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How are the Homestead Act and the displacement of Native Americans connected?

The Homestead Act of 1909 offered farmers 320 acres of free land. This enticed many people to head West.

Where did the US get the land it offered people through the Homestead Act?

the native americans

Who are the 3 groups that settled on Great Plains after the homestead act?

Native americans germans japan

What was the effect on the Dawes Act on Native Americans?

Native Americans lost much of the land that they had before the passage of the act.

How did the displacement of the native Americans make the homestead act possible?

The Homestead Act of 1909 offered farmers 320 acres of free land. This enticed many people to head West.

Which federal was passed in 1887 that provided for individual homestead-style land ownership for native Americans?

Dawes severalty act

Which element was not on the homestead act?

The Homestead Act did not include Native American reservations as eligible land for settlement.

Which federal law was passed in 1887 that provided for individual homestead style land ownership for native Americans?

The answer would be the Dawes Severalty Act.

What helped African Americans and others move to the western United states?

The Homestead Act of 1862.

What is the connection of the last Native American tribe confined to reservation and the Homestead Act?

The preservation of the cultural practices of the last Native American tribes is the connection to the Homestead Act.

Which act did congress pass in order to relocate Native Americans?

The act that Congress passed that allowed them to relocate the Native Americans was called the Indian Removal Act. It went in to effect in 1830 when Andrew Jackson was president.

Which of the following helped African Americans and the others move to the western US?

The Homestead Act of 1862.