Politics, especially democracy.
Natural science.
Mathematics, especially geometry.
Natural science.
Biology and medicine.
Building and construction.
The arts, especially poetry, theatre and sculpture.
Historical writing.
Physical training.
Ancient Greek civilizations have made an impact on Western civilizations. Here are a few areas where ancient Greece has impacted the West:
A. Philosophy, men such as Plato, Aristotle and Socrates all made impacts on the way Western civilizations began to look on the ancients' views on life and philosophy.
B. Government, the various types of governments found in the ancient Greek world such as democracy and oligarchy were studied by historians and political scientists in the West.
C. Architecture, here classic style Greek temples, as example were copied to a large degree first by ancient Rome and the style became part of Western civilizations. Today, in the USA, many government buildings are modeled on the style of the ancient Greeks.
Rid the muslim world of western influence
A large part of ancient Greek culture was its concept of a variety of gods, goddesses and demi gods. They can be called pagan gods and the Greeks to one degree or another believed that pleasing their gods was a way to find peace and prosperity. The pagan style of beliefs did not influence western civilization in any large measure.
The most outstanding legacy of the ancient Greeks to modern western civilization was in the area of philosophy and political philosophy. The latter can be best illustrated by the writings of Plato.
I think on Islamic Civilizations. They influenced the Greeks and the Greeks by the Muslims got influenced.
to end American involvement in Muslim countries to rid the muslim world western influence
it was not the Geography of Greece which influenced western civilisation. It was Greek civilisation and the fact that the Greeks migrated out of Greece. They migrated to western Turkey, southern Italy and Sicily and they founded Marseilles in southern France. Thus, they created a Greek world which extended beyond mainland Greece. The Greeks influenced the peoples who lived near then. They also influenced the Romans. It is though this influence of the Romans that the Greeks later influenced western civilisation.
Greek mythology has had influence on the culture, the arts, the literature and remains part of Western heritage and language.
The Greeks developed math, science, philosophy, schools and it is the foundation of the western world. It gave us art, music, and government. They knew that the world was round and had figured out many other things. The Ancient Greeks are like the foundation of a house because without them there would no western world.
The Greeks developed math, science, philosophy, schools and it is the foundation of the western world. It gave us art, music, and government. They knew that the world was round and had figured out many other things. The Ancient Greeks are like the foundation of a house because without them there would no western world.
Western influence had such a major impact on the world because they see how much more simple these westerners were living.
Was our western influenced by the wise Greeks ?
Some things
they have kuz ,koon and tylim
The ancient Romans and ancient Greeks believed that their pagan gods had a great influence on earthly events.
Without exception, they believed that their own country was the center of a disk-like world, and this belief continued to influence ancient though, even after the Greeks had discovered that the world is a sphere. ... Of course, Greece was the center of the world, and the Greeks believed that they could prove it.
Rid the muslim world of western influence