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equal representation

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Q: How did the great compromise persuade small states to join the union with large states?
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Which two groups was a compromise between the Great Compromise?

Large states and small states

The great compromise settled a dispute between which two groups?

Large and small states

The great compromise reached at the constitutional convention focused on?

The main focus of the Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention concerned how states were to be represented in the U.S. Congress. It is also referred to as Sherman's Compromise.

Convention delegates broke the deadlock between large and small states when they approved?

The Great Compromise

What is reconciliation of the interests of the large and small states at the Constitutional Convention is referred to as?

Great Compromise

How many states supported the great compromise?

i don't know this answer that's why im on here

How did the Great Compromise please both small and large states?

The Great Compromise, or the Connecticut Compromise, pleased both the small states and the large states because it gave them both the representation they wanted. In the lower house (the House of Representatives), the small states got the proportional representation they wanted. In the upper house (the Senate), the large states got the equal representation they wanted with every state getting two senators.

What was the great compromise 1787 all about?

Roger Sherman of Connecticut worked out a compromise that he hoped would satistfy both small and large states.

Who created a compromise at the Constitutional Convention that addressed the concerns of both small and large states about representation?

Roger Sherman created the Great Compromise! :)

How many houses did the Great Compromise have?

The Great Compromise involved both houses of Congress. It based the number of representative in the House of Representatives on population and the number of Senators on a set number per state. It was a compromise between the large states and small states.

The great compromise allowed the farmers of the constitution to create?

The Great Compromise allowed the framers of the Constitution to create a Congress that would represent both large and small states fairly. It is also known as the Connecticut Compromise.

How did the large state and small states come to agree on two houses in Congress?

The "Great Compromise" between the large States and Small States was that there would be a Bicameral House. Witch meant that there will be two houses one for the large states and one for the small states. One of the houses was called the Senate and the Other House Of Representatives ( House Of Reps ). The Senate Was giving to the Small States witch was for the equal right they wanted . The House Of Reps Was giving to the big states with gave them what they wanted the votes by population especially with 3% of the slaves they had.