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The Jamestown colonies were founded for the sole purpose of mirroring the success that the Spanish have seen from such explorers as Christopher Columbus and Hernan Cortes. Their motives were purely to gain profit.

The Massachusetts Bay Colony was never interested in money. Their goal was to create a religious Utopia that would shine back on the old Catholic church in England and show them that their take on religion is correct after all. John Winthrop's "Model of christian charity" states their exact mission. This full heartily explains why the puritans are so strict. They will not allow anyone to jeopardize the mission because it will ruin the colony's Utopia appearance.

hope this helps

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12y ago

Colonists in Jamestown were completely different than those puritan colonists in Massachusetts.

a) center of life for Jamestown colonists - plantation

for puritans - town (b/c of the church & school)

b) institution of education

c) religion vs. practicality

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9y ago

Jamestown colonists was the ones who hoped to make a profit from the resources of the New World. The Puritan colonist believed the Church of England was insufficiently.

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Q: How did the goals of the Jamestown colonist differ from those of puritan colonists in Massachusetts?
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How did the goals of the Jamestown colonists differ from those of the Puritan colonists in Massachusetts?

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How did the goals of the Jamestown colonists differ from those of the puritan colonists differ Massachusetts?

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