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It at least began Modern Parliamentary Democracy.

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Q: How did the glorious revolution undermine the divine right or kings?
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Which historical event influence the American revolution by rejecting the idea that kings had absolute power?

Answer this question… Glorious Revolution

Why did English parliament switch kings in the glorious revolution?

Because RAWR!!

Why did the English parliaments want to switch kings in the Glorious Revolution?

Because RAWR!!

Which historical event influenced the American by rejecting the idea that kings had absolute power?

Answer this question… Glorious Revolution

What is john Locke contribute?

He was a great English philosopher. He wrote "The Treaties of Government" (1690). In this book , he refused the divine right of kings, and argued that the power came from people, which is represented in Praliament, so the kings' power should be limited- he welcomed the "glorious revolution" which meant just the same (1688).

Who was brought to the English thrown after the glorious revolution?

One day al cain went for a stroll down to the chip inn the rebelled the poo out of the kings anus

Name the revolution which challanged the theory of divine right of kings?

Though there have been many the French and American revolutions were major ones.

How do you use divine right kings in a sentence?

the divine right of kings were being patient with 500 people.

How did the ideas of the Scientific Revolution influence European society?

The ideas of the Scientific Revolution led people to believe that the universe could be understood through empirical proof. It led them to question the divine right of kings.

What was the name of the idea that god directly choose who would be the king or queen?

The divine right of kings.

What was the belief that the right to rule was given by god?

The belief is called the "Divine Right of Kings." This belief was used throughout the history of monarchy to provide the right of Kings not to be impeded by their subjects or court.

Who supports the Divine Right of Kings?

Jean Bodin, a French political philosopher, was a strong prominent of the divine right of kings. Bodin lived from 1530 to 1596.