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Q: How did the geography of the Greek peninsula help them defeat the Persians?
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What did the Greeks defeat of the Persians do?

Persia agreed to stay away from Greek city-states in the eastern Aegean littoral.

Did Sparta defeat Persia?

No. The Spartans defeated about 500,000 Persians along with about 1,700 Greeks. Later on in the war, they withdrew to defend Sparta and lost the war. The Spartans alone did not fight or defeat Persians and Persian allies. Many Greek city states allied and defeated Persians in land and sea battles in two separate wars. The only Greek defeat from the most famous battles in the two separate Persian invasions was in Thermopylae. And even then, few thousand Greeks died, including plus or minus 300 Spartans, while it is believed more than 20,000 Persians and their allies that included many Greeks, died in Thermopylae. So it was an honorable defeat.

How did Themisticles defeat the Persians?

He did not defeat the Persians. The Persians were defeated in three battles - Themistocles was at one of them - Salamis where the commander was Spartan Eurybiades. Themistocles is credited with a successful ruse to split the Persian fleet which evened the size of the fleets, and proposing the battle be carried out in the confined waters in the strait at Salamis which gave the Greek fleet the opportunity to attack the flanks of the heavier Persian ships with their lighter ones.

What two armies worked together to defeat the Persians?

The armies and navies of two dozen southern Greek city-states, led at first by Sparta and later by Athens.

How did the greek army succsessfully defeat the Persians?

Most of the Persian defeats in the 50 years of warfare between the Greek city-states and Persia were either sea or sea-land battles, not land battles involving just the army. The single land battle of Plataia in 469 BCE was won by the Greek forces sticking defeating the inferior unsupported Persian infantry.

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What battle Did Themistocles defeat the Persians in?

Themistocles did not defeat the Persians. He commanded the Athenian contingent which was part of the Greek fleet under command of Spartan admiral Eurobiades which defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis in 480 BCE.

What did the Greeks defeat of the Persians do?

Persia agreed to stay away from Greek city-states in the eastern Aegean littoral.

How did the Persians finally defeat the Greeks at the battle of thermopylae?

The traitor Ephialtes had shown to the Persians a path leading through the mountains which enabled the Persians to outflank and overcome the Greek rearguard composed of both Spartans and Thebans .

Why did the defeat of the Persian empire inspire other scheivements in classical greek?

Athenians felt great pride in their leadership position after the defeat of the Persians. This pride led to achievements.

Why did Greek city-states form the delian league?

they formed the delian league because they had to join toegether to defeat the Persians

Where did 300 Spartans try but fail to prevent the Persians from attacking Athens?

The Spartans were part of a Greek force at Thermopylai. Their object was not to defend athens but to be part of a strategy to defeat the Persians in a naval battle.

Why did Greek city state form the Delian league?

they formed the delian league because they had to join toegether to defeat the Persians

Why the could the Persians not defeat the Greeks or Macedonians?

The Persian infantry was unarmoured and could not stand up to Greek and Macedonian infantry formations, particularly after both raised cavalry forces to match those of the Persians.

How did the battle of Thermopylae help Athens though the Greeks lost?

It did not. Athens was occupied by the Persians, its people evacuated and given refuge in southern Greek cities and its forces were embarked on its fleet to help defeat the Persians at sea.

How did the battle of Thermopylae help even though the Greeks lost?

It did not. Athens was occupied by the Persians, its people evacuated and given refuge in southern Greek cities and its forces were embarked on its fleet to help defeat the Persians at sea.

Did Sparta defeat Persia?

No. The Spartans defeated about 500,000 Persians along with about 1,700 Greeks. Later on in the war, they withdrew to defend Sparta and lost the war. The Spartans alone did not fight or defeat Persians and Persian allies. Many Greek city states allied and defeated Persians in land and sea battles in two separate wars. The only Greek defeat from the most famous battles in the two separate Persian invasions was in Thermopylae. And even then, few thousand Greeks died, including plus or minus 300 Spartans, while it is believed more than 20,000 Persians and their allies that included many Greeks, died in Thermopylae. So it was an honorable defeat.

How did Themisticles defeat the Persians?

He did not defeat the Persians. The Persians were defeated in three battles - Themistocles was at one of them - Salamis where the commander was Spartan Eurybiades. Themistocles is credited with a successful ruse to split the Persian fleet which evened the size of the fleets, and proposing the battle be carried out in the confined waters in the strait at Salamis which gave the Greek fleet the opportunity to attack the flanks of the heavier Persian ships with their lighter ones.