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The experiments were done with the hope of creating a master race. The experiments were an effort to "weed out" what Hitler and his followers deemed to be imperfections in the human race such as mental disabilities, physical handicaps, and being a race other than caucasian.

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14y ago

How ignorant of you. You think a man having his balls chopped off by a Nazi helped the world as we know it?

You think a woman having her ovaries cut out of her body while she was awake made your neighborhood a better place to live?

Boo, I say to you. Boo.

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Q: How did the experiments at the Holocaust help people?
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When did medical experiments begin in the holocaust?


who done experiments on holocaust victims?

Nazi Germany.

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can someone help me

Were there any human experiments in the holocaust in the concentration camp majdanek?

No human experiments was taken place at majdanek.

How many people were killed by firing squads during the holocaust?

About 2 million half of which were not Jewish.Similar numbers of Chinese and Asian people were subjected to experimentation by Germanys ally Japan but no action was taken in a deal that gave the USA the results gained from these crimes.___No, the number of Holocaust victims killed by medical experiments is usually given as about 18,000. It is a big mistake to think of it as a major method of killing in the Holocaust.

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How does Holocaust help next generations?

it doesont...because in holocaust they kill lots of people

Ethically speaking Should Holocaust medical experiments be made public?

On what grounds do you believe that the experiments and results are currently a secret?

What benefits came from what Josef Mengele did in the holocaust?

We now know several more gruesome way to medically kill people and/or perform monstrous experiments on them.

What German exsperemented on twins in the holocaust?

Dr Mengele specialised in experiments on twins.

How does learning about Holocaust help the students understand discrimination and war from another perspective?

Learning about the Holocaust does not help anyone see things from another perspective. Either people have the ability or they do not.

How did the Nazis kill people during the Holocaust?

they put them in gas chambers, did experiments on them, starved them, beat them, and a lot of other harsh things that you cant ever imagine