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Q: How did the expansion of the ottoman empire in the 14th and 15th centuries lead to the discovery of new water routes to Asia?
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Why did the Ottoman Empire stop expanding?

The Ottoman Empire's military defeats in the Second Siege of Vienna and the naval Battle of Lepanto prevented further Ottoman expansion.

What reasons led the expansion of the ottoman empire?

There was no justification for the expansion of the Ottoman Empire because in the 13th to 17th centuries, a nation did not have to justify to outsiders why it was expanding. If a nation, such as the Ottoman Empire, was powerful, it would expand into new regions and improve its internal economy and infrastructure. There is similarly no justification for the expansion of the Hungarian Empire, Polish Empire, or Russian Empire.

An observation about the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries is that the Empire?

The answer: had a strategic location between Europe and Asia.

What is the importance of Timur the Lame to the ottoman safavid or mughal empires?

Timur the lame halted the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in 1402 when he crushed ottoman forces in the battle of Ankara

What did the colonies controlled by the Ottoman Empire do?

The Ottoman Empire has always been been an imperial power as opposed to a colonial power, so while it has had periods of expansion (with numerous former kingdoms in its empires), it has never had colonies. As for what happened in these culturally distinct imperial territories, this depends entirely on the period. In the 19th and 20th centuries nearly all of them rose up against the Ottoman Empire and desired to form nation-states or more localized monarchies.

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Why did the Ottoman Empire stop expanding?

The Ottoman Empire's military defeats in the Second Siege of Vienna and the naval Battle of Lepanto prevented further Ottoman expansion.

What reasons led the expansion of the ottoman empire?

There was no justification for the expansion of the Ottoman Empire because in the 13th to 17th centuries, a nation did not have to justify to outsiders why it was expanding. If a nation, such as the Ottoman Empire, was powerful, it would expand into new regions and improve its internal economy and infrastructure. There is similarly no justification for the expansion of the Hungarian Empire, Polish Empire, or Russian Empire.

An observation about the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries is that the Empire?

The answer: had a strategic location between Europe and Asia.

How were the Whirling Dervishes important to the Ottoman Empire?

The Whirling Dervishes are interesting as a cultural relic of the Ottoman Empire and their help in the producing poetry and helping the administration of the Empire. However, they were not terribly important in the expansion or development of the empire.

What is the importance of Timur the Lame to the ottoman safavid or mughal empires?

Timur the lame halted the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in 1402 when he crushed ottoman forces in the battle of Ankara

What did the colonies controlled by the Ottoman Empire do?

The Ottoman Empire has always been been an imperial power as opposed to a colonial power, so while it has had periods of expansion (with numerous former kingdoms in its empires), it has never had colonies. As for what happened in these culturally distinct imperial territories, this depends entirely on the period. In the 19th and 20th centuries nearly all of them rose up against the Ottoman Empire and desired to form nation-states or more localized monarchies.

Who ruled middle east prior to World War 1?

Has to be Ottoman Empire, nowadays TURKEY.

The Ottoman Sultans extended their empire beyond the Middle East by occupying land in what area?

The Ottoman Sultans extended their empire beyond the Middle East by occupying land in Europe. In 1389, the Ottoman victory at Kosovo paved the way for Ottoman expansion into Europe. The Ottoman army was the largest army in Europe.

Who or what ended the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire had been growing steadily smaller and weaker for centuries, but it was finally defeated altogether by the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

What best identifies Ottoman Empire?

There are a number of things which best identify Ottoman Empire. Some of them include expansion of territories, having so many sultans and controlling the world at large among others.

What is an accurate description of relations between European states and the ottoman empire in the period 1815 and 1914?

Most European countries thought that the Ottoman Empire was in its death throes. As Russian, English, and French empires expanded in the 19th century, that expansion came at the expense of the Ottoman Empire which continued to contract.

Who was the greatist leader of the Ottoman empire?

The greatest leader of the Ottoman Empire was probably Suleiman the Magnificent. During his rule in the 16th and 17th Centuries, the Ottoman Empire grew to become a formidable world power.