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Q: How did the expansion and prosperity of the new kingdom affect artistic activity?
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The new kingdom was known for?

its military prowess, with a powerful army and effective strategies that allowed it to conquer and maintain control over a large empire. The kingdom also saw advancements in art and architecture, with the construction of grand temples and tombs, as well as the development of new artistic styles. It was also a time of stability and prosperity, with strong leadership and economic growth.

What was a period of stability when the Egyptians enjoyed prosperity and achievement?

The new kingdom.

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What is one characteristic for which egypt's middle kingdom is especially famous for?

The Middle Kingdom was a golden ageof peace, prosperity, and advances in the arts and architecture.

Which ruler known for encouraging the expansion for trade took power during the new kingdom?

ramesses the second

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How did the new kingdom of Egypt become so wealthy and powerful?

The spoils from the successful military campaigns and the tributes owed by the states increased Egypt's wealth and prosperity.

What important events or developments happened in ancient Egypt?

One great achievement in Egypt would be the beginning of the new kingdom because it was a time of prosperity and stability.

What is a good sentence for sultan?

The sultan ruled with wisdom and grace, ensuring peace and prosperity for his kingdom.