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Q: How did the economic policies of the Soviet Union affect its human geography?
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Geography can have a big affect on economic growth. For example, in Africa, many countries (such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo) are landlocked and can therefore only trade with their immediate neighbors.

How did soviet economic system affect consumer goods?

The economic policies of the former Soviet Union were a major failure which is just one of the reasons the Soviet Union no longer exists. Consumer goods were 2nd to Defense projects and Space exploration. Finally the leaders of the USSR realized that centralized economic planning simply cannot work. Freer economies have their faults but few can compare to the dismal performance of "communist" economics.

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how tha fukk am i supposed to no

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Geography of the Northeast affected its economic development since an increase in rainfall and sea level rise can lead to more damaging floods.

How did the Soviet economic system affect consumer goods?

The economic policies of the former Soviet Union were a major failure which is just one of the reasons the Soviet Union no longer exists. Consumer goods were 2nd to Defense projects and Space exploration. Finally the leaders of the USSR realized that centralized economic planning simply cannot work. Freer economies have their faults but few can compare to the dismal performance of "communist" Economics.

How did Joseph Stalin's collectivization policies affect the Soviet Union?

Answer this question… They created mass starvation throughout the country.

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Gold was not discovered in GA. The geography of the area doesn't support the minerals for gold.

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Gold was not discovered in GA. The geography of the area doesn't support the minerals for gold.

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Are u in Mr.Dawodarys socials class? cuz u jsut cheated