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NATO and Western Pact affected European nations by dividing Europe into two armed camps.

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Q: How did the creation of NATO and the western pact eventually affect the relations among European nations?
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What caused a rise in tension between European nations?

What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?

What caused the European division of Africa?

The creation of extremely diverse African nations and Nonnative languages becoming common throughout Africa

Following the Spanish-American War nations in the Caribbean and Central America were deeply in debt to?

European nations

What is a name for the united European nations?

The name of the United European Nations is called: The European Union (EU)

What was the result of growing nationalism and Pan-Africanism on European-African relations?

The result of growing nationalism and Pan-Africanism was increased resistance by African nations against European colonization and exploitation. This led to a push for decolonization and independence across the African continent, ultimately shifting power dynamics in European-African relations.