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Q: How did the columbian exchange and European settlement affect existing native American populations?
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How were the Native American populations decreased by the European?

FYI juge him how he acts

What sir Walter Raleigh's settlement?

Virginia Colony, first North American European settlement if I remember correctly.

What historical settlement created the diverse population that settlers encountered in the West?

native American tribes and European settlers

What is the term for the changes that resulted from European settling in the new world?

the stock exchange

What do historians call the movement of people plants animals and germs caused by Columbus expedition?

The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of American and European animals, plants, and diseases.

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Which of the following accurately describes an important effect of the Columbian Exchange on Europe?

European populations grew as a result of American foods being introduced to European diets.

What killed people during the European settlement of the North American continent?

the European settlement of the North American contient?

Which of the following describes an effect of the Columbian Exchange?

Huge numbers of American native peoples died from European diseases.

How were the Native American populations decreased by the European?

FYI juge him how he acts

What sir Walter Raleigh's settlement?

Virginia Colony, first North American European settlement if I remember correctly.

What happened as a result of Columbus coming to American continents?

Columbus's arrival in the Americas led to the spread of European colonization, resulting in the decimation of indigenous populations through disease, warfare, and displacement. This ultimately paved the way for the establishment of European colonies and the transatlantic slave trade.

What was the most troubling element of the columbian exchange?

One troubling element of the Columbian Exchange was the transfer of diseases between the New World and the Old World. This led to devastating impacts on indigenous populations in the Americas who had no immunity to these new diseases introduced by European settlers.

In way was new Amsterdam different from other European settlement's?

it was led by an american indian

Why did Spain establish at settlement at st Augustine?

Spain established a settlement at St. Augustine in Florida in 1565 to counter French and English territorial ambitions in the region, provide a base for further exploration and colonization, and convert Native American populations to Christianity. St. Augustine is considered the oldest continuously inhabited European-established settlement in the continental United States.

Name one of the major European diseases that devastated native American populations after 1492?


What were the effects on the Native Americans from the columbian exchange?

The Columbian Exchange had both positive and negative effects on Native Americans. Positive effects included the introduction of new crops, such as maize and potatoes, which increased food production. Negative effects included the spread of diseases, such as smallpox, which decimated Native American populations. Additionally, the exchange led to conflicts over land and resources with European colonizers.

The first permanent European settlement?

The first permanent settlement by Europeans on North American was St. Augustine, FL in 1565. The first English settlement was Jamestown, VA in 1607.