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the colonists were mad!!. they thought the only people who can tax them were

their representatives

Keep in mind that the colonists weren't mad because of the Stamp Act Congress. They set up the stamp act congress in reaction to the Stamp Act, which was an internal tax set up by the British that taxed all paper goods by making a British stamp required on all paper good in the colonies.

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11y ago

The colonists, angry that the British government passed an act that taxed such important items for daily life (the Stamp Act - Taxed all printed material), protested against the act. They also boycotted the taxed items, but paper was (and still is) used all the time in an average person's daily life.

Eventually, the Stamp Act, with many other acts, angered many colonists. With that, the Revolutionary War began.

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When the British passed the Stamp Act, the colonists rioted in protest and boycotted trade with Great Britain.

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the colonists boycotted

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The colonists were very angry

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Q: How did the colonists respond when the British passed the Stamp Act?
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What act was not passed by the British that upset the colonists?

stamp act

Carried out a boycott of british goods after the passage of the stamp act?

The Stamp Act was passed by the British government. After it was passed, the American colonists instituted a boycott of British goods.

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they stamped around town

Which act passed by the british government the the colonists had to pay a tax on all printed materials?

Stamp Act

What document was passed in 1765?

The Stamp Act was passed by the British POarliament which imposed direct taxes on the American colonists on 22 March, 1765.

Which acts passed by the British government stated that colonists had to pay tax on all printed materials?

Stamp Act

Colonists reacted to taxes imposed by the British by?

The colonists were angry because of the famous line "no taxation without representation." Britain kept passing acts and the colonists had no say. The Sugar Act and Townshend Acts had been passed before the Stamp Act. In the end, Britain did repeal (get rid of) the Stamp Act, but then passed an act requiring the colonists to house British soldiers.

Was NOT a reaction of the colonists to the taxes placed on the colonists?

Patrick Henry spoke to the House of Burgesses.The Sons of Liberty was formed.Colonists boycotted British goods.The Stamp Act was passed.Take your pick ;)

Which act passed by the British government started that the colonists had to pay a tax on all printed materials?

Stamp Act

Colonists argued that the stamp act was not proper because?

Colonists argued that the Stamp Act was not proper because it was a form of taxation without representation. This was a tax set up by the British Parliament to tax goods the Colonists needed.

How did the colonists respond to the stamp act and to the townshend act?

by responding

How did the colonists respond to the stamp act and the townshend acts?

by responding