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The Rhode Island Colony began as a Theocracy in the 1600s after Roger Williams arrived. He was a religious dissenter who was banished from his former colony. A Theocracy is a form of government where the Church is the Government. I hope that helps.

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Q: How did the colonists of Rhode Island rule themselves?
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What were colonists against the British rule named?

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Rhode island is made up of how many square miles?

Dude, I rule.

Political History in Rhode Island 1763?

In 1763, the British enacted many laws and acts in an attempt to maintain control of the colonies. Rhode Island had the most difficult time of any of the colonies because it was used to self-rule.

How was Rhode Island founded?

AnswerIn 1636, Rhode Island was founded by a group of Puritans fleeing religious persecution in Massachusetts. Roger Williams and Ann Hutchinson is credited as being the leader of these people. They settled in Providence and established a rule of religious tolerance.

What did colonists do to protect british rule?

I think you are confused because it was not up to the colonists to protect British rule. It was up to the British forces.

What is the authors purpose in both Patrick Henry's speech and Thomas paines common sense?

To convince the colonists to break away from British rule

Why do you think the colonists felt the need to establish a government themselves?

The colonists felt the need to establish a colony because they need someone to rule that is helpful. Then they decided to establish their own basic laws and social rules to govern the colony they would found.

In which states would you find Golden Rule insurance?

Golden Rule Insurance is available in 41 states in the United States. They do NOT have coverage in these areas: Rhode Island, Idaho, Oregon, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Washington, Maine, Vermont, New York, and New Hampshire.

Who is a colonists who opposed British rule?

Patrick Henry

Why was the Declaration of Independence a necessary document for the founding of the new nation?

The Declaration of Independence was needed to stated the colonists independence from Britain and to make laws for the colonists government.

List the colonies that the signers of the declaration represented?

The signers of the Declaration of Independence came from all thirteen of the original British colonies. There were fifty-six men in total, and they came from Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Rhode Island, and Virginia.