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Before the formal start of the American Revolutionary War, events such as the Boston Massacre contributed to the escalation of hostile sentiments especially among the colonists. The opinion of British soldiers involved in the Massacre (or any of the other pre-war confrontations) would most likely have been approving, as British opinion of the colonists was generally negative, even contemptuous. It is possible that some few British soldiers were apathetic or even sympathetic toward the welfare of the colonists affected by the Massacre.

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they were punished

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Q: How did the colonist and the british soldiers viewpoints differ about the Boston massacre?
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It wasn't. It was an event in Boston where British soldiers fired on colonist. The history channel has a good program on this.

The colonist yelled insults and threww snowballs at some british soldiers?

Yes they did during the Boston Massacre. The colonists did that because the soldier that killed a colonist because of an argument.

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John Adams was the lawyer for the British soldiers accused of shooting the colonist in the Boston Massacre. He won the case too.

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It was the Colonist V.S. the British Soldiers. It was the Colonist V.S. the British Soldiers.

Who led Boston massacre?

A colonist and a British soldier got into a fight more colonists and British soldiers arrived, the colonists were throwing snowballs and calling the British soldiers names. A few of the British soldier's fired into the crowd killing a few colonists.

What touched off the Boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre was touched off by tensions between British soldiers and the American colonists. On March 5, 1770, a confrontation escalated when a British soldier was struck by a colonist, leading to the firing of shots by the British soldiers, resulting in the death of five colonists.

Who was Richard Palms colonist?

Testified on behalf of the British Soldiers at their trial following the Boston Massacre, which occurred on March 5th 1770, John Adams was the attorney for the soldiers and won the case.