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During the Cold War, almost every nation was aligned with one side or the other, and they received military aid, economic aid, and lots of pressure from their patron, whether the US or the USSR, to do their part for the alliance. Some countries experienced terrible wars, particular the two Koreas and the two Vietnams. There were many smaller skirmishes, such as the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba.

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Q: How did the cold war between US and soviet union affect other nations and regions?
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Detente eased the tension between the Soviet Union and the u.s. The reduction of nuclear arms enhanced national security for both nations. "thawing" period of the cold war.

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Tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II. The two nations were the United States and the Soviet Union.

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Romania and Poland was not provinces of Soviet Union but some regions were occupied after the WW2. Romania and Poland were many years satellite countries.

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The Warsaw Pact

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What was a goal of President Truman in ordering research of the hydrogen bomb?

The goal was to discourage the Soviet Union from attacking free nations.