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Civilians had to provide for the war effort, so they made money from that. Unfortunately for the South that was confederate money that wasn't worth anything after the war. Many small villages and towns sent off all of their men, even the teens and oldsters, so they only had women to do the work and run things. This was years before Rosie the riveter, so many things just didn't get done. Women weren't allowed to vote, so they really weren't going to be behind a plow doing the planting either. Modern day people get the Hollywood version thanks to Gone with the Wind and other fictional accounts, but that picture was far from accurate. In the North, things weren't much better. Factories had to shut down due to lack of staff. West Point was turning out substandard graduates, some who could barely read, just to help the war effort. Everyone in the nation was fearful that America was going to soon become a ruins that would be swept up by a strong foreign nation like Britain or France. I have to do more research into how the CW affected Northern women, but the original answer to this was "I don't knowq". Thanks, retard. I bet you leave the lids loose on salt shakers, too don't you?

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15y ago
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13y ago

They Did The Same Things For Both Sides They Helped Out With The Clothing And Injuries Of The Soldiers/Medical Problems.

One consequence was that, with the shortage of adult males, women became more important in society. For example, the women's suffrage movement became active within a few years after the civil war.

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9y ago

Women in the north during the Civil War played a direct role in the war. While many women established safe households and tended to their children, many preferred to take a more active role by serving as nurses, sewing, cooking, mending clothes, and cooking. The women of the south had the same attitude; however, they had fewer resources and used the assistance of slaves to do the same duties as their northern counterparts.

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