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The only one I can think of is that they gave people help by caring for the people who were sick.... so... please can anyone tell me anymore reasons??? If you could, I would REALLY appreciate it :)

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Emma Ingram

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4y ago
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they provided roses for ships that sailed to the end of the end of the town.

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Q: How did the church help people in medieval times?
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What jobs did the church have in medieval times?

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How did they treat tonsillitis in medieval times?

In medieval times they would have used certain herbs to help cure or help with the pain.

What heresy was in the church in the medieval period?

The Catholic Church faced several heresies during the medieval period, including Hussitism. This heresy regarded the scriptures as being more important than church leadership, and also regarded ordinary people as being able to interpret scripture without Church help.

How did the church influenced different aspects of medieval life?

The church was very important in medieval life. It provided people with moral guidance and help in surviving difficult situations.

Why was it hard for medieval kings to control the church?

Well the church was it's own "person" back then. They were able to choose high ranked officials and the King had to often agree with them. The church was a big thing in medieval times. They would help the king some days and hurt him on others. So, all in all, yes it was hard for the king to get control of the church!

Did the rich people in medieval times have baths?

yes they did if they where making alot of money and many rich people would have guards and peopkle to help them bath

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How did the medieval church give hope to people?

It was one of the few places that offered education to people. It also guarenteed people at least two full meals a day.They also provided medicine to the ill and old (It normally didn't help them and sometimes made them worse.) They also provided other services like telling people the time by ringing the church bell to tell them the time.

What was bad in the medieval time?

the health care was badpeople couldn't writepressure was put on nuns and church people to help the sick or needypeople have to work for the new king and what the king says go's.

What were Gilts in Medieval Times?

If you mean "guilds," they were associations of craftsmen and tradesmen according to their line of work: guilds of candlemakers (chandlers), textile workers, stonemasons, silversmiths, carpenters, etc. The guilds protected and passed down the secrets of their crafts and also gave their members certain privileges. No - It is definitely Gilts - They were associated with the Catholic Church in medieval times Grateful for any help

What was dangers of being a Disciple?

In the Medieval Times people who didn't believe in the Christian Faith were sometimes excommunicated ( in other words kicked out) of the church or in some other circumstances sentenced to being killed. I'm not sure, but trust me, there are far more other sites than this that can help you with your question. But are you sure you're asking the right question? People would be KILLED if they DID believe in that religion in the Medieval Times. It really depends on the time period and area.

What are some good questions to ask about the Catholic church having to do with the Holocaust?

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