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It made them become more brave

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Q: How did the bushido shape the culture of japan?
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In Japan the samurai code of Bushido helped bring about?

a culture that accepted militarism

A bushido was a supreme military commander in Japan?

NO Bushido is the code of the samurai. A shogun was a supreme military commander in japan

What impact did code of bushido have on japan?


Does japan still follow Bushido?

Yes, some businessmen whose ancestors are samurais follow the philosophy of the Bushido.

How did the samurai go extinct?

The Meiji Restoration of 1868 abolished the Samurai "class" in Japan. However, many people still make attempts at following aspects of the culture like Bushido.

How did Chinese culture help shape japenese civilization?

Japan's culture definitely helped the country to develop economically. This is because what Japan valued could also be sold for a profit.

Code that knights of japan lived their lives by?

" Bushido" which is their code of honor, it was the religion of the samurai.

What does bushido mean in okinawan?

Bushido is the specific code that samurai live by. It is said to have been used for the first time in the 1600s in Japan, but the morals were being practiced before that time.

What will probaly happen to Bushido values in Japan?

In Japan, the people there still value the ways of the Samurai due to Bushido. Japanese people never back down, even if it means their lives will be taken from them. They have a strong willpower. I'm sure people don't take Bushido seriously but to the Japanese, its still a priceless way of living to them. Example: Tank Man

Where did the bushido code start?

it started a long time ago in a temple in japan called 'kominosho'

How do you learn bushido?

Bushido is learned by learning a Japanese martial art. Bushido, the way of the warrior, is a code of ethics, moral compass and general all around way of living that represents the way of life of the fighters in Japan. Learning Bushido would be learning absolute dedication to your family and Emperor. Therefore, being a foreigner and wanting to learn the Bushido code would be pointless as it would hold little meaning. The Bushido way of life is the ultimate sacrifice for your country and your family name.

what is seppuku and bushido?

Seppuku was a ritual form of suicide performed by the samurai. Bushido means "way of the warrior". This was a code that was popularized in Edo period Japan to justify the lofty status of the samurai class within Japanese society.