The British had THE BEST Navy, at the time, and as such were able to move quickly, to other countries, and take them without hesitation, as they came in fleets, carrying hundreds of soldiers! The British also took the countries which were unable to fight back, first, allowing them to work up to taking more developed ones, such as India.
he transported tea and beans to other country's so that there trading business can grow and expand the British Empire.
he helped the empire expand more and he discovered new places such as the east coast of Australia
Because the mughals were spending so much money on their on health and because they had given the permision the british to sell their things in the sub-continenet so the british expand and expand and become able to get the sub-continent.
Since he lived about 2000 years ago, we don't know if he wanted to expand. But we do know that he didn't expand the empire at all.
he transported tea and beans to other country's so that there trading business can grow and expand the British Empire.
so the British empire could expand its land
he helped the empire expand more and he discovered new places such as the east coast of Australia
Between 1453 and 1520 the empire expandedonto the African continent
They most likely came to America by accident or to conquer the area to expand their empire.
What did Qin king use to expand his empire
Because the mughals were spending so much money on their on health and because they had given the permision the british to sell their things in the sub-continenet so the british expand and expand and become able to get the sub-continent.
The Royal Navy supported the growth of the empire in many ways. By allowing open shipping from Great Britain, it expanded the ability to utilize more products.
To expand their empire
Considering that the British Empire's navy was the biggest in to world at it's current time and had conquered many vast countries, it is most likely to have caused Britain's protection.Can you expand on this?It's always best to improve answers where you see fit.
Through trade - it was a trading empire.
Since he lived about 2000 years ago, we don't know if he wanted to expand. But we do know that he didn't expand the empire at all.