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The black death reached Europe in 1347 and by 1353 had spread to cover most of the continent. After the primary outbreak, isolated resurgences occurred for centuries. These resurgences lasted until the 18th century, and while not as widespread as the original pandemic, in some cases they claimed hundreds of thousands of victims.

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12y ago
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13y ago

The Black Death was a specific outbreak of the Bubonic Plague in the midieval time period. The most important animals carrying the bubonic plague were rats and the fleas of the species Xenopsylla cheopis that they carry. These animals were killed by the plague quite as effectively as human beings were, and the disease disappeared when it had killed off nearly all of the rats and fleas. In any given area, the plague usually ended after a period of a few months.

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13y ago

no on really knows how it dissapeared it is very hard to understand, but it dissapeared in London because of the great fire it burnt down a lot and killed all the rats and fleas.

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11y ago

The Black Death, or plague, has not been eradicated! As recently as a month ago (August 2012) there was a young lady that almost died of the plague.

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