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On Guadalcanal, the Americans were amazed that some of the Japanese soldiers fought them hand to hand with swords. This is in the strictest tradition of Samurai. But, moreover, the indoctrination of these men and the culture of the Samurai pervaded Japanese society. Bushido called for courtesy to your enemy only if they merited it. If the enemy demanded bushido before death and the Japanese executioner could not provide it, the condemned were supposed to be allowed to live. But to surrender was the lowest thing that any warrior could do and called for execution.

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The samurai believed in not afraid of being killed. This led to the kamikazes that created the horrible amount of damage while taking the lives of the pilot inside.

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Q: How did the beliefs of the samurai Japanese in world war 2?
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How has samurai culture influenced modern Japan?

Bushidi effects Modern Japan. The code isRectitude or JusticeCourageBenevolence or MercyPolitenessHonesty and SincerityHonorLoyaltyCharacter and Self-Control(Also Samurai influenced the Japanese fashion, ceremonies etc.)Although samurai do not have any official status in today's modern Japan, descendants of samurai families still enjoy a high esteem among the Japanese population.Whether it be through martial arts, the peaceful arts, or their core beliefs, or the styles of swordsmanship, the samurai continue to influence life to the day.In 1643 Miyamoto Mushashi wrote 'The Book of Five Rings', the guide to swordsmanship which is still used today.The Samurai warriors are one of the great treasures of Japan, their beliefs and actions have brought great pride to the Japanese. They have given Japan a national identity and helped define their culture , enriching their sense of who they are as people.The concept of Bushido is illustrated by the Kamikaze fights in World War 2.

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World War II.

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About World War 2 Japanese swords you need to find out what a kyu-gunto from the Russo Japanese war is worth?

Machine made: 800 - 1500 $ Murata-To 1500 - 2000 $ Gendaito (traditionally forged: 2000 $ + Antique Samurai Blades 2000 $ + Naval Kyu Gunto are even more rare and can easily be worth twice as much.

What war was it when the Japanese were in concentration camps?

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