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That war had a lot of deaths and crippled and it was going on for a long time. It was the war with the largest toll on human deaths. President Truman stated that with the new weapon, he could end the war faster and save a lot of lives of American Servicemen.

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By the dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all the world "said" OMG! WE NEED TO STOP THIS WAR NOW! :)

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Q: How did the atomic bombing on heroshima and nagasaki end the war with japan?
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Site of atomic bombing?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were two in Japan.

Where did the first atomic bomb exploded for the first time in japan?

The first exploded over Heroshima, the second over Nagasaki.

Site of the atomic bombing in World War 2?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan

What are the famous bombing incidents in Japan?

During WW 2, the firebombing of Tokyo, and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What was the site of atomic bombing in World War 2?

in japan the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Where and when did the second atomic bombing take place?

The second bombing took place on the city of Nagasaki (Japan), on the 9th of August, 1945.

Was the bombing of Hiroshima related to the war between America and Japan?

Yes. The Atomic bombing of Nagasaki, after Hiroshima, is the final act of WW2

What 2 cities in Japan had bombs dropped on in World War 2?

Nagasaki & heroshima

How did the atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki end?

It ended the war and collapsed Japan's means to make war.

Did the atomic bomb happen first or japan surrendering in world war II?

The Atomic bomb had to drop first, because after the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered.

When did the war stopped between the us and japan?

August 14, 1945 five days after the Nagasaki atomic bombing.

Who surrendered after the bombing of Nagasaki?
