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The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, customarily referred to as the Articles of Confederation, was the first Constitutionof the United_Statesand legally established the union of the states. The Second_Continental_Congressappointed a committee to draft the Articles in June 1776 and sent the draft to the states for ratification in November 1777. The ratification process was completed in March 1781, legally federating the sovereign and independent states, already cooperating through the Continental Congress, into a new Federationstyled the "United States of America". Under the Articles the states retained sovereignty over all governmental functions not specifically relinquished to the central government.

On June 12, 1776, a day after appointing a committee to prepare a draft Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental Congress resolved to appoint a committee of thirteen to prepare a draft of a constitution for a confederate type of union. The last draft of the Articles was written in the summer of 1777 and the Second Continental Congress approved them for ratification by the States on November 15, 1777, in York,_Pennsylvania, Pennsylvaniaafter a year of debate. In practice the final draft of the Articles served as the De_factosystem of government used by the Congress ("the United States in Congress assembled") until it became De_jureby final ratification on March 1, 1781; at which point Congress became the Congress_of_the_Confederation. The Articles set the rules for operations of the "United States" confederation. The confederation was capable of making war, negotiating diplomatic agreements, and resolving issues regarding the western territories. An important element of the Articles was that Article XIII stipulated that "their provisions shall be inviolably observed by every state" and "Perpetual_Union".

The Articles were created by the chosen representatives of the states in the Second Continental Congress out of a perceived need to have "a plan of confederacy for securing the freedom, sovereignty, and independence of the United States." Although serving a crucial role in the victory in the American_Revolutionary_War, a group of reformers,Answers.comknown as "Federalism_in_the_United_States", felt that the Articles lacked the necessary provisions for a sufficiently effective government. Fundamentally, a Federationwas sought to replace the Confederation. The key criticism by those who favored a more powerful central Sovereign_state(i.e. the federalists)[Wikipedia:Citation_needed] was that the government (i.e. the Congress_of_the_Confederation) lacked taxing authority; it had to request funds from the states. Also various federalist factions wanted[Wikipedia:Citation_needed] a government that could impose uniform tariffs, give land grants, and assume responsibility for unpaid state war debts ("assumption".) Those opposed to the Constitution, known as "anti-federalists," considered these limits on government power to be necessary and good.[Wikipedia:Disputed_statement- Talk:Articles_of_Confederation]Answers.comAnother criticism of the Articles was that they did not strike the right balance between large and small states in the legislative decision making process.[Wikipedia:Disputed_statement- Talk:Articles_of_Confederation] Due to its one-state, one-vote plank, the larger states were expected to contribute more but had only one vote.

The Articles were replaced by the United_States_Constitutionon June 21, 1788.

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they couldnot setup trade among themselfs

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Q: How did the articles of confederations affect relations between the US and European nations?
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