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A tremendous amount of speculation exists concerning the route or routes the various Native American tribes used from Asia to North America. Some may have come by boat along the Pacific Coast. Some definitely came north of the Brooks Range in Alaska and between the Canadian Rockies and the Alberta Desert.

Slowly these people from Asia would have moved south. Eventually some would have stopped in Louisiana.

About 6,000 b.c. something caused a great extinction in Eastern North America killing animals and people. The area was repopulated from the west. Clovis spear points reappeared in Florida. Louisiana was probably repopulated at that time. The people there came from the Great Plains Region. Clovis spear points are difficult to make and are only needed if a person is hunting a large animal like a buffalo. They were probably effective against alligators.

After The War of 1812 ended, General Andrew Jackson and his army constantly raided the villages of the Apalachee and Creek Indians of North Florida. The Apalachee Indians from around Tallahassee and many of the Creek Indians went to areas in Louisiana formerly inhabited by other Native Americans but recently abandoned. Thus, they escaped General Jackson's Army.

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Q: How did the ancestors of the Native Americans travel from Asia to the land that became known as Louisiana?
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