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Q: How did the actions of Denmark Vesey Nat Turner David Walker and the slaves aboard the Amistad and the Creole resonate throughout the country?
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One way to revise a narrative is to focus on strengthening the characters. Ensure they are well-developed with clear motivations, consistent behavior, and growth throughout the story. Make sure their actions and decisions drive the plot forward and resonate with readers.

When is a unviversal theme of the story often revealed?

A universal theme of a story is often revealed through the characters' experiences, actions, and conflicts throughout the plot. It typically becomes more apparent as the story progresses and may culminate in a clear message or moral by the end. Universal themes are usually timeless and resonate with a wide range of audiences.

How was Germany punished in the Treaty of Versailles?

they were punished because of there stupid actions in the war and to many different people and they lost the war to Denmark , Poland, France, Belgium.

What was going on in Denmark during the Battle of the Bulge?

Denmark was occupied by the German Reich at the time. The appeacement policy of the Danish government had more or less folded, and sabotage actions by the Danish resistance was at an all time high.

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Many people relate to Macbeth's ambition, inner conflict, and the moral dilemmas he faces throughout the play. His tragic downfall due to unchecked ambition and the consequences of his actions resonate with those who have experienced similar struggles with power and morality. Additionally, Macbeth's relationship with Lady Macbeth and the themes of guilt and supernatural forces also strike a chord with many audiences.

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at the resolution of the story, as the reader discovers how the story ends. -- novanet answer

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I wouldn't know exactly, but if you look at his actions throughout the series, he's rather stupid.

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Characters in a story can be defined by their traits, motivations, and actions. Their development throughout the plot, relationships with other characters, and the choices they make all contribute to their identity. Effective character definition involves creating complex, multidimensional individuals that resonate with the audience.

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I wouldn't know exactly, but if you look at his actions throughout the series, he's rather stupid.

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Colonists used Committees of Correspondence to spread news about the latest British actions.