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The Big Three , Stalin , Roosevelt / [later Truman] and Churchill , discussed the organisation of a post war Europe and who would have control over the respective spheres of influence . The Big Three also sought to limit any expansionism of the other into their areas of interest . See related link below to further information .

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The Soviet Union expected to receive a great deal of territory in Europe in exchange for its services in World War II - it lost a great deal of soldiers, and may have had the most casualties out of the Allied Forces. While the atomic weapons played a key role in the Cold War, the Yalta Conference promised the USSR land gains in Manchuria and northern Japan for assistance in the fight against Japan. The Americans saw no problems with this arrangement, but the Europeans (Britain especially) were not ready to give eastern European nations over to the Soviets. The unresolved negotiations left the USSR understandably furious.

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No, it contributed to the conclusion of WW 2.

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The meeting in the Crimea of FDR, Churchill & Stalin in February of 1945.

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Stalin got the Baltic States and the area that became East Germany. This allowed for the Cold War and the expansion of communism beyond the Soviet state.

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Q: How did the Yalta conference influence the tensions of the Cold War?
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Did the cold war start in 1946?

The exact date of the start is debated upon. However, the common agreement is that i started at the Yalta Conference between US, USSR and the UK. The Yalta conference was in August 1945.

How did the Yalta conference foreshadow later events?

The Yalta Conference consisted of leaders from several countries including Stalin from the Soviet Union. During the conference, Stalin and the Soviet Union's occupation of Poland was not recognized creating animosity, mistrust and resentment, ultimately leading to the Cold War.

Why didn't the Yalta conference lead to lasting unity among the big three leaders in World War 2?

Yalta Conference didn't unite the Big Three because Stalin's beliefs in communism and Truman and Churchill's beliefs in democracy didn't go hand-in-hand. Democracy and communism are two things you don't mix together. Tensions between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, were imminent after World War II which lead to the Cold War.

What happened to germany at the yalta conference?

During the Yalta Conference in 1945 it was decided that Germany would divided into 4 zones. It was also during this time when plans to build the Berlin Wall were made. These plans set the Cold War preparations in motion.

Which war conference did Truman and Attlee recognize the Communist government of Poland sealing the fate of this nation?

During the Cold War, Truman and Atlee recognized the Communist government of Poland. This historic event took place at the Yalta conference.

When did cold war take place?

The Cold toke place from 1945 to 1991. It started at the Yalta Conference Feburary 4th through 11th 1945. And it ended without a signal shot in 1991 with american the victor.

What were some tensions after World War 2?

Directly after WWII, the Soviet Union and the United States were engaged in a series of economic, political, and indirect military(i.e. proxy wars) conflicts that lasted nearly half a century. This 'Cold War' was felt worldwide and created tensions immediately after the end of World War II. The Berlin Blockade, Korean War, Warsaw Pact, NATO, Vietnam, Central Asia, South America, etc. are small examples/topics of the Cold War. Of course, tensions between the Western powers and the Soviets were visible well before and during WWII. Check out WWI, the Russian Civil War, Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and the Yalta Conference.

Could the Cold War have been avoided at the Yalta post war conference in 1945?

Probably not, the Soviet Union would have had to let Eastern European countries, such as Poland, to have free, democratic governments, and they would not.

How did yalta set up the cold war?

It did not effect the cold war in anyway

What 10 events was the cause for the cold war?

These werent causes of the cold war but it was a major part for the cause of the cold war: Yalta Conference (Feb 1945) Potsdam Conference (Jul 1945) Hiroshima (Aug 1945) Salami tactics (1945-48) Fulton Speech (Mar 1946) Greece (Feb 1947) Truman Doctrine (Mar 1947) Marshall Plan (Jun 1947) Cominform (Oct 1947) Czechoslovakia (Feb 1948)

The peace talks on dividing Vietnam into northern and southern halves reflected?

The peace talks that revolved around dividing Vietnam reflected Cold War tensions. The peace talks refer to the Geneva Conference in 1954.

What describes the tensions of the cold war in 1980?

the cold war was coming to an end. Apex :)