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Q: How did the Virginia Resolves show opposition to British policies?
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No. The Federalist at this time promoted slavery because they wanted to use the issue to destroy the Virginia dynasty. As for Monroe's anti-British foreign policies I believe there was none except for the embargo.

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The general purpose of the Continental Congress was to unite the colonies in their opposition to British policies.

How did opposition to British tax policies affect the American colonies?

taxation without representation which caused the Revolution.

What were the Halifax resolves and the mecklenburg resolves and what were there importance in the revolutionary war?

to eat stuff so the british doent eat it lol idk

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A shadow cabinet is a virtual and powerless government formed with members of the opposition. Where each member of the leading government has a opposite spokepeople. It is led by the Leader of the opposition. Its role is to criticize the goverment, and to have alternative propositions to the policies led by it. Actually, it mostly refers to the british opposition. But that form of representative opposition exists in several commonwealth countries, such as Canada.

Why is Mecklenburg Resolves important?

It declared that british rule in the colonies was at an end.

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The Continental Association was responsible for enforcing a boycott of British goods in the American colonies as a form of protest against British taxation policies. It aimed to unite the colonies in their opposition to British rule and strengthen their resolve for independence.

How did colonists show their opposition to British policies?

They rebelled and: made effigies (kind of like dolls) of the British figures, stormed houses of British officials, wrote the Declaration of Independence, wrote to Britain opposing the laws that they enacted, boycotted products, and of course caused the Boston Tea Party.

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In 1775 Patrick Henry spoke before the Virginia legislature to persuade it to raise an army against the british what was not an argument given by him in support of his position bu?

In 1775, Patrick Henry spoke before the Virginia Legislature tp persuade it to raise an army against the British. Which of the following was NOT an argument given by him in support of his position, but is something his opposition would have said?

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It represented an attempt to unify colonies and colonists against the Coercive Acts.