The US was an ally of South Vietnam; it was up to South Vietnam to repel the invasion from the north, with massive military assistance from the US (which, of course, ultimately failed).
The inability of the United States to defeat North Vietnam reveal cracks in the seemingly impenetrable military might of the country because the United States were suppose to be one of the worlds powers and to have to fall to such a small country's military as the North Vietnam.
the conflict in North Vietnam.
The Vietnam war, for sure
North Vietnam threatened South Vietnam. I.S.
The US wanted N. Vietnam to stop fighting in S. Vietnam.
President Johnson believed that the US could defeat north Vietnam because the US had won WWII with firepower, and the US had the most firepower on earth during the Vietnam War.
1. The US didn't defeat N. Vietnam. 2. The "ONLY" weapon feared by North Vietnam (and the NVA in South Vietnam) was the B-52 Stratofortress heavy bomber (Strategic Air Command).
The inability of the United States to defeat North Vietnam reveal cracks in the seemingly impenetrable military might of the country because the United States were suppose to be one of the worlds powers and to have to fall to such a small country's military as the North Vietnam.
The inability of the United States to defeat North Vietnam reveal cracks in the seemingly impenetrable military might of the country because the United States were suppose to be one of the worlds powers and to have to fall to such a small country's military as the North Vietnam.
the conflict in North Vietnam.
the conflict in North Vietnam.
The Vietnam war, for sure
North Vietnam was controlled by communists.
The US. Only the US was bombing North Vietnam. Although American and Australian men 'o war were bombarding North Vietnam along their coastline.
North Vietnam threatened South Vietnam. I.S.
north Vietnam took over south Vietnam
South Vietnam