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Three things happened which gave the United States Mexico's land. It started with the Texas Revolution where Texas ceded from Mexico. After this war, the Texas colonists established the Republic of Texas. The Republic of Texas was eventually annexed by the United States in 1845. Texas claimed their southern border was at the Rio Grande, but Mexico claimed it was the Deuces River farther north. James K. Polk, former President of the United States wanted California. So, he placed troops on the north bank of the Rio Grande to spark a war. Because of this, Mexican troops attacked which sparked the the Mexican-American war. Eventually, the United States won the war and as a result the Mexican Cession of 1848 happened, the second event. Mexico ceded present day California, Nevada, Utah, most of Arizona, half of New Mexico, less than half of Colorado, and less than half of the southwest of Wyoming. The third event was the Gadsden Purchase in 1853. The dictator of Mexico needed money, so he sold a region that is present day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. That is how the United States gained Mexican land.

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14y ago

From the negotiated settlement of the end of the war in the Treaty of Gudalupe Hidalgo.

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It became a part of the US in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

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7y ago

It was part of the Gadsden Purchase (1853). It included all the Mesilla Valley.

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Q: How did the US gain the New Mexico Territory?
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treaty of guadalupe hidalgo =for A+ students

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The US claimed what became the New Mexico territory during the Mexican-American War. It was primarily a linear western extension from Texas.

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There are only two of them: the country of Mexico - the original - and New Mexico, a territory acquired by the US from Mexico.

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Is Mexico is a us territory?

There are two Mexicos; neither of them is a territory:The US' State of NEW Mexico, which was a territory and became a state in 1912.The country of Mexico (capital: Mexico City) which is a country south of the United States, and has been independent since 1821.