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In the Spanish American War.

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Q: How did the US gain land through imperialism?
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Imperialism- What did the US gain from the Treaty Of Paris 1998?

There is no 1998 Treaty of Paris.

What did the US hope to gain from the War of 1812?

to gain the land of Canada

What did the US gain from the war of 1812?

to gain the land of Canada

Did the us gain or lose land over The Louisiana Purchase?

the us gained land

What did the US hope to gain from the war 1812?

to gain the land of Canada

Did America gain any land during World War 1?

It gain alska Actually, the U.S. did gain Alaska at around the same time as WWI, but not as a direct result of it.

Name all the land that the US acquired during the Age of Imperialism?

I dont Know google it

How did the us gain possession of the land Virginia?


Why did the us want the land?

to gain power and wealth

What land did the US gain through the treaty of Guadalupe?

California, Nevada, and Utah. There was also parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico

Why did US want to gain control of Florida?

more land

Why did the US gain land after the Mexican war?

Land was annexed to the US as part of the treaty ending the Mexican War. The US was in a position to gain a favorable settlement to the question of whether the people in Texas and California had the right to join the US.