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The United States was incapable of enforcing the Monroe Doctrine when it was delivered. There was understanding at the time of its delivery that the British would be the power defending the Monroe Doctrine, which they did using their large fleet of ships and privateers.

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14y ago

No. Secretary of State Adams, the author of the Doctrine, realized that the US could not enforce the provisions of the Monroe Doctrine but Great Britain had previously proposed that the two nations issue a similar proclamation closing the Western Hemisphere to future colonization. It was in England’s economic interest that the new Latin nations be allowed to trade with other nations, namely England. While this American “show of force” annoyed the British, Adams realized that the British Navy would help the US uphold the Doctrine.

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12y ago

i dont know look it up on Google and if it comes back here go suck a chod becuase your out of luck

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9y ago

The United States declared themselves neutral in the European Wars and warned other nations not to interfere in the Western Hemisphere.

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11y ago

big stick policy

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Q: How did the US enforce the Monroe Doctrine?
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