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Stalin scrapped Lenin's New Economic Policy, eliminating all aspects of capitalism that the NEP permitted, especially the private ownership of small businesses and farms. Now the entire economy would be a planned economy subject to control of the government. He then instituted a series of "Five Year Plans," which were designed to rapidly increase the industrial and agricultural output of the economy. Industrial capacity increased tremendously, but it cost hundreds of thousands of lives, because the government confiscated large amounts of grain from the peasant farmers, which it sold to other nations in order to raise money it needed to buy raw materials and machinery to build as many factories in so short a period of time as it did.

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People faced severe shortages of housing, food, clothing, and other necessary goods.

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It fell even further behind the economy of the united states

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Q: How did the soviet economy chage under the direction of Stalin?
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What country was Benito Mussolini in chage of?


How do humans and animals adapt to floods?

i think they chage by the way they live

Briefly describe two ideas about evolution that were proposed by scientist in the 18th century?

Darwin Which was the theory of evolution by natural selection. this is where the fittest species survive and pass on their traits. Lamarack which is the theory acquired characteristics . similar but wrong where it states animals will adapt and chage there thraist to fit in the environment and pass on their traits

What did Egypt do after the wars in the Middle Kingdom?

they started invading surrounding countries so they wouldnt get invaded this starts the new kingdom

What clothes were worn during the Australian gold rushes?

The men on the gold fields wore loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. They had long trousers held up with a belt, rope or braces. They tended to wear longer sleeved shirts if they were out in the sun, or sometimes they would strip off their shirts when the heat became unbearable - as it often did. Strong boots were necessary, as was a wide-brimmed hat. The miners' clothing depended on their ethnic group. Standard clothing for many of European ethnicity was just loose-fitting trousers and shirt, with strong boots. The Chinese wore the clothing of their culture. Many times, miners' clothing may have become quite threadbare: they could not afford new clothing because tailors and/or other suppliers of clothing would chage over-inflated prices, knowing that the rules of supply and demand would dictate how much they could charge. Miners did not want to leave the prospect of "striking it rich" to take a coach all the way to Sydney or melbourne, so suppliers of goods on the goldfields had a monopoly. Women wore long skirts and dresses typical of the period.

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you cant

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Simple. The chameleon.

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home page

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he was the leader of India

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Divide by 1000.

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Because of the gold rush.

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