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The Romans adopted Greek mythology for their underworld. The gods decided where in the underworld the soul would go. There was a place which was similar to hell and was those who had created havoc in the world and had committed major crimes against the gods. There was a place for souls who did not achieve greatness or recognition and committed minor crimes against the gods. Finally, there was a place for the distinguished, the heroes and those close to the gods. This closeness to the gods was what gave admission, rather than moral conduct, although those who lived very righteous and virtuous lives also gained access.

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Q: How did the Romans decide where in the underworld you would go?
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no. It is not. in the ancient times it was just a myth, but there is something clost to the underworld it is the opposite of heaven. it is a horrible place. you would never ever want to go there. Heaven is the you would want to go to. but if you think the underworld is real think again. (its not).

Is the Underworld real?

no. It is not. in the ancient times it was just a myth, but there is something clost to the underworld it is the opposite of heaven. it is a horrible place. you would never ever want to go there. Heaven is the you would want to go to. but if you think the underworld is real think again. (its not).

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yes they would go to a friendsthey had feasts

Why is Hades fearsome?

because he was the god of the underworld and the underworld is a plase people go when they die and dont u think u would be scarred to if the ruler of the underworld wanted to kill u so no one really got in his way

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Odysseus went to the Underworld to get advice for his journey home.

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