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The war not only devastated southern Greece and left it weak, it didn't solve anything and the southern Greek city-states continued to fight each other after it was over. This left Philip, over 50 years later, with an easier target, and he was able to defeat the weakened and divided cities, which he manipulated and also defeated those who stood out against his march towards claiming hegemony of Greece.

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7y ago

After the Peloponnesian War, a defeated Athens became a second level power. The Greek cities continued their usual pattern of fighting each other under various coalitions, with at first Sparta dominant, then Thebes which defeated it. Persia intervened, imposing the King's Peace to stop the fighting spilling over into its territories.

This fighting allowed the rise of Macedonia in the background.

As the eminent J. B. Bury Writes:

"As the hegemony or first place among Greek states had passed successively from Athens to Sparta, and to Thebes, so now it passed to Macedon. The statement that Greek liberty perished on the plain of Chaeronea is as true or as false as that it perished on the field of Leuctra or the strand of the Goat's River.Whenever a Greek state became supreme, that supremacy entailed the depression of some states and the dependency or subjection of others. Athens was reduced to a secondary place by Macedon, and Thebes fared still worse; but we must not forget what Sparta, in the day of her triumph, did to Athens, or the more evil things which Thebes proposed".

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11y ago

After the war the Greek cities continued to fight each other in varying alliances, with first Sparta dominant, then Thebes.

Macedonia in the background steadily built up its power and territory while the Greek cities were busy degrading each other, reducing their capacity to repel the rising power which siezed its opportunity.

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11y ago

The 27-year war badly weakened Greece, and the city-states continued to fight and weaken each other afterwards. This provided a rising Macedonia to establish hegemony over the weakened and divided Greek city-states.

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11y ago

The war devastated and weakened the Greek world, and led to further wars. This provided the opportunity for Macedonia to establish hegemony over the divided Greek city-states.

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11y ago

the did because they are powerful

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7y ago

The 27-year war devastated the Greek world, and the Greek city-states continued warring afterwards. This so weakened them that they were an easy target for a rising Macedonia.

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Q: How did the Peloponnesian War lead to the conquest of the rest of Greece by ancient Macedonia?
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