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It added southern states.

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Q: How did the Mexican war affect expansion and slavery between 1848 -1860?
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How did slavery affect the US decision to wage the Mexican American War?

It as seen as a way to create more slave holding states.

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Increase in expansion affect the demand because more supply/expansion with constant demand will lead to excess in expansion which affect the demand.

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The Dred Scott Case completely nullified the Missouri Compromise. It ruled that slavery was protected under the 5th Amendment because slaves were property. The verdict was that slavery could not be outlawed in any territory.

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The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory (modern-day Midwest states) north of the Ohio River, setting a precedent for restricting slavery in new states. This limited the expansion of slavery into these territories and helped pave the way for future anti-slavery efforts in the United States.

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i dont no.

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