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by bringing damon salavtore and elena gilbert to marrige

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Ulises Koss

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Q: How did the Japanese express themselves under the Tokugawa shoguns?
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How did Japanese express themselves culturally under the Tokugawa shoguns?

by bringing damon salavtore and elena gilbert to marrige

What is Tokugawa Schogunate?

A dynasty of Japanese shoguns that ruled a unified Japan from 1603 to 1867. This was founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

What strong family rose to power to become shoguns in Japan?

There are 3 bakufu (shogunates) in Japanese history. These are: The Kamakura Bakufu- Most of the Shoguns were from the Minamoto family. The Muromachi, or Ashikaga, Bakufu- The Shogunal family were the Ashikaga. The Tokugawa, or Edo, Bakufu- Most of the Shoguns were from the Tokugawa family.

How did the Tokugawa shoguns react toward foreign traders?

The Tokugawa Shoguns allowed trade with foreign traders and made large profits for themselves while doing so. They also allowed trading to take place in the Tsushima and Satsuma domains.

How did Tokugawa shoguns create an orderly society?

ending feaudilism

The Tokugawa shoguns created an orderly society by?

ending feaudilism

How did the tokugawa shoguns create an orderly society?

ending feaudilism

What is the brief summary of tokugawa religion?

Tokugawa was not a religion. The Tokugawa was a family dynasty of shoguns commencing with Ieyasu Tokugawa being invested as Shogun on the 2nd of December, 1603.

When did the Tokugawa Shoguns isolate Japan?

He was a military leader who ruled all of Japan.

How did the Tokugawa shogunate change Japan?

When he died in 1603, Tokugawa created the Tokugawa shogunate. The Tokuguwa shoguns ended feudal warfare and established a powerful central government. :)<3

Who would be in the Japanese shogunate?

The Shoguns of course.

What problems weakened shogun rule in Japan in the 1800s?

The new rule of Tokugawa Shoguns, and new danger faced from trade.