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it spread to Belgium because Britain liked belgium waffles.

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Q: How did the Industrial Revolution spread to Belgium?
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Where did the Industrial Revolution spread?

It didn't. What are you going on about fool!

How do you write a short sentence with the word industrial-revolution in it?

During the 1800s the Industrial Revolution spread throughout Britain.

How did William and John Cockerill bring the Industrial Revolution to Belgium?

Created factories in Belgium producing machinery.

Did the Industrial Revolution spread to Canada?

yes it did in the 1900

How the did industrial revolution spread?

The Industrial Revolution spread from Great Britain to Western Europe as manufacturing processes improved production and increased capital within the economies.

How did industrialism impact cities?

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and spread to Belgium, France, Germany, the United States and Japan. It was a fundamental change in the way goods were produced, and altered the way people lived. The Industrial Revolution is a major turning point in world history.

The industrial revolution began in what region?

The industrial revolution began in England and soon spread to Western Europe and the United States.

What other countries did the Industrial Revolution hit at?

The Industrial Revolution began in England, and spread over to the United States.ANSWER:The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain during the 1700's. It started to spreading to other parts of Europe and to North America in the early 1800's. By the mid-1800's, industrialization had become widespread in western Europe and the northeastern United States.Other nations that the Industrial Revolution had an influence on included Belgium, France, Germany, and the United States.

Which is the second country to industrialize in europe?

Britain was the first country that brought industrial revolution. However Belgium was the first to be revolutionized economically. Later France, Germany and Sweden joined in.

Why was imperialism a net benefit for humanity?

The spread of technology from the Industrial Revolution.

What role did the railroads play in the Industrial Revolution?

They spread industrial technologies and products across wide areas.

How did corporations grow as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

Corporations were able to grow as a result of the Industrial Revolution. This is because it allowed production to be faster and spread.