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The Indians were hostile but at the same time hesitant--skulkingn about in the trees, stealing tools.

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Q: How did the Indians receive the Puritans?
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Where did the puritans get the money?

The puritans made money by robbing the Indians.

How much money did the puritans have?

The puritans made at least what is now equal to about $20 dollars a week by robbing the Indians of their coins.

Made friends with the wampanoag Indians?

it was the puritans: they had the first Thanksgiving together

Who made friends with the wampanoag Indians?

it was the puritans: they had the first thanksgiving together

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What colony did Puritans receive a royal charter to establish?

The Massachusetts Bay Colony

What did they call the puritans that were selected for salvation?

The Puritans referred to those predestined for salvation as the "elect" or the "chosen few" who were believed to be predetermined by God to receive eternal salvation.

List some of the reasons why Puritans failed to convert the Indians?

because they wanted their "perfect society" to stay just them, they did not think the Indians were good for anything

What did puritans do on Sunday?

sunday was a very holy day for puritans as with many christians, the puritans however would throw out religion in gods name on sundays, holding massive orgies eating human flesh smoking cannabis and torturing the indians for their land

For what reason did the Puritans form the New England Company and receive a royal charter?

They wanted to escape religious persecution back in England, and England agreed because it got the Puritans out of England.

Why have the Puritans failed to convert the Indians?

The Puritans failed to convert the Native Americans due to cultural differences, lack of mutual understanding, and conflicting beliefs. The Native Americans already had their own spiritual beliefs and traditions which made it challenging for the Puritans to convert them to Christianity. Additionally, the Puritans often used coercive and aggressive tactics which further alienated the Native Americans.