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The Holocaust began with a simple man who hated the Jews intensely. He wanted to destroy all Jews and came close to completing that. Hitler was his name. He was a wicked man. We don't really know why he hated them so much.


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9y ago

A precursor to the Holocaust was Kristallnacht, the "Night of broken Glass" on November 9, 1938. Hitler and the Nazis were rabid antisemites responsible for the Final Solution, whose aim was to kill the Jews in German controlled territories. This started in 1941.

How it started was a series of events where Nazi policy had created problems, which in this case, resulted in the Holocaust.

With the invasion of Poland and the deporting of Polish Jews to the 'General Government', the south-east of German controlled Poland and the build-up of troops on the Eastern front it was realised in the summer of 1941 that the Soviet Union would employ 'scorched earth' and leave not resources for the invading German army, so either the army would starve or the Jews would starve. The governor Hans Frank suggested to Hitler that it would be more humane to kill the Jews than to let them starve over the winter. The situation was exacerbated by the rapid influx of Soviet POWs, the first (experimental) gassings with Zyclon-B on Soviet POWS in September of 1941 in an attempt to find a solution.

Following the front line troops were special squads who were supposed to execute Soviet Commissars and partisans, and to encourage the local populations to rid themselves of their Jews, this rapidly expanded to the mass murder of Jews, both by the special squads and the local populations.

These were the two triggers that started the mass murder, but it developed at an alarming rate all over the east with different solutions being created in different places.

This is a very subjective point of view, as different people and different organisations consider the Holocaust to have started in different ways and at different times. The outright planned murders are considered to have started with the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, but Jews were being killed by the Nazis actions before this.

This is a very subjective point of view, as different people and different organisations consider the Holocaust to have started in different ways and at different times. The outright planned murders are considered to have started with the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, but Jews were being killed by the Nazis actions before this.

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12y ago

Hitler persuaded all the Germans to believe that Jews and Caucasian people without blond hair and blue eyes were responsible for the loss of WWI. Those people were later sent , by trainload, to concentration camps were they would be treated harshly and/or killed. I am sorry but the first answer is wrong the idea Hitler blamed Germans with brown hair is dumb. He blamed the Jews for the loss of WW1.

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