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You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman Republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

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You have your history a little mixed up. Greece never conquered Rome. Rome conquered Greece. However the Romans were influenced by Greek ideas although they always adapted them to their Roman culture. A prime example of this is in the Roman republic which was loosely based upon the Greek system of voting. The Romans liked the idea of citizens selecting their rulers, but not the way it was done in Athens, so they formulated their own system of voting.

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they were great learners and the Greeks were great teachers.

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Q: How did the Greeks influence the Romans even before Greece conquered rome itself?
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