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They differed in many ways (obviously), although both have a culture and tradition that stems from their Proto-European background.

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Q: How did the Germanic traditions differ from the Romana Traditions?
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How do the traditions and beliefs in the middle ages differ from today's society?

There are many different aspects. But the main differnce between the traditions & beliefs in the middle ages and that at present day is that in the MAs, traditions & beliefs are much more tightly tied up with politics and goverment. Sometimes they are part of laws.

What three cultural traditions came out of the Warring States period and how do they differ from one another?

Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism.

What is the tradition of a Mestizo?

Mestizo is an ethnicity (half white/European, half Amerindian) not specific to any given culture. All mestizos throughout the Americas have many traditions, from Chicanos who have a mix of American and Mexican traditions, to Peruvians, Guatemalans and Bolivians who have very distinctive traditions that differ from country to country. The question is equivalent to asking about the "white culture": there are many, such as American, Canadian, English, French, Norwegian or Russian, which again, have different nationalities, with specific - and often very different - cultures.

How did the relationship between the spanish and native Americans differ from the relationship between the french and the native Americans?

the french were more kind. they learned to speak their language and they learned their traditions but the spanish were not, they only forced them to work with them

How do Roman Catholics differ from other Christians?

They have an official church structure that differs from other Christian religions. The Pope is the head, elected by a layer of Cardinals, who are elected by layers of Bishops and Archbishops, who are elected by priests, who are elected by parishes. Roman Catholic priests are allegedly celibate men. The Roman Catholic Church opposes most forms of birth control, and divorce. The Roman Catholic church also differs significantly in the importance they place in traditions of the church over against scripture. They give the former almost equal or in some cases greater importance, as they hold that they are the determiners of what is scripture and also its only rightful interpreters. Most other churches do not so elevate the traditions of men which they see as fallible over against the infallible word of God as the norm for all Christian life and teaching.

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What are some maori traditions?

Tribal traditions differ as do traditions of sub-tribes and whanau (family). To be able to answer appropriately, please be a little more specific in your question. Are you asking for protocols (tikanga) or kawa (customs) or general family traditions?

How do the traditions and beliefs in the middle ages differ from today's society?

There are many different aspects. But the main differnce between the traditions & beliefs in the middle ages and that at present day is that in the MAs, traditions & beliefs are much more tightly tied up with politics and goverment. Sometimes they are part of laws.

What three cultural traditions came out of the Warring States period and how do they differ from one another?

Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism.

What describes one way Africans storytelling traditions differ from those of Europe and the West?

stories are not associated with a single writer.

Why do schemas differ from culture to culture?

the Assyrians and in Mesoptamia I wold think they would be the same traditions and cultures.They both spoke

How are your traditions and value similar and or different from them?

Our traditions and values are similar in that they both serve to provide a sense of identity, belonging, and purpose. However, they may differ in specific practices, beliefs, and moral principles based on cultural, religious, or societal influences. Overall, both traditions and values play a crucial role in shaping individuals and communities.

What are the most common traditions in america?

Traditions differ in America from one community to another. However, traditions common to most Americans include the celebration of America's independence from Great Britain (the 4th of July), celebration of traditions related to religion such as Christmas, Easter, Chanukah, and Kwanzaa. In America we also celebrate individual milestones such as: birthdays, marriages, anniversaries, housewarmings for new home owners, graduation from high school and college, promotions, retirements, etc.

how did Romans sculpture differ from earlier G reek sculpture?

The Romans modelled their statues on those of the Greeks. Some statues were replicas of Greek originals. However, they often blended a variety of traditions The Romans liked to blend artistic traditions from Italy and the rest of the empire.

Do master mason enter the lodge through the south?

Masonic traditions do differ from place to place, but generally everyone enters the Lodge from the West.

Are the traditions and values of the Japanese similar to Filipino values and traditions?

Japanese traditions and values originate in Shinto, Buddhism and the warrior-ruled feudal system (later defined as Bushido).Phillipino traditions and values originate in Tantrism, Islam and European colonization.They would therefore by definition have to be very different.

What is the caucasian family tradition?

Caucasian family traditions can vary widely, as the Caucasus region is home to many different ethnic groups with their own unique customs and practices. Some common traditions include strong emphasis on hospitality, family unity, respect for elders, and celebrations centered around music and dance. However, it's important to note that traditions can differ among different ethnicities within the region.

What is the tradition of a Mestizo?

Mestizo is an ethnicity (half white/European, half Amerindian) not specific to any given culture. All mestizos throughout the Americas have many traditions, from Chicanos who have a mix of American and Mexican traditions, to Peruvians, Guatemalans and Bolivians who have very distinctive traditions that differ from country to country. The question is equivalent to asking about the "white culture": there are many, such as American, Canadian, English, French, Norwegian or Russian, which again, have different nationalities, with specific - and often very different - cultures.