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Your question is confusing and at this point can't be answered. The French Revolution didn't happen in Britian nor the US. Otherwise it wouldn't be called the "French Revolution ."

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Q: How did the French Revolution in Great Britain and the US?
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What did the revolution in Great Britain and the US have on the French Government?

the french monarchy felt threatened

How did the French monarchy view the revolution in Great Britain and the US?

It felt threatened by the success of the new government.

Who helped the US fight Great Britain?

The French teamed with the US because they were enemies with Britain.

From whom did the US gain indapendence from as a result of the revolution war?

Great Britain.

What war was fought with Britain shortly after the Revolutionary War?

The French Revolution started during the same decade in which the American Revolution ended. Regarding the US vs. Great Britain, about 30 years after the American Revolution ended, the War of 1812 started. A few have referred to it as "Revolutionary War II".

How did the French punish the US for Jays treaty with Great Britain?

The French seized American ships that carried cargo to Britain.

Did the US have to fight for their independence?

Yes- it was called the American Revolution. The US went to war with Great Britain.

What effect did the revolutions in great Britain and the US have on the french governments?

the french monarchy felt threatened

Who did the US fight during the American Revolution?

Great Britain and the Loyalists and Native Americans that were allied with them

How the us became free from great Britain?

Colonists rebelled, and with the help of France, had a successful Revolution.

What did King George III have to do with the US?

He was the head of State in Great Britain during the American Revolution.

Why is July 14 a special day for the French?

On July 14, 1789, a mob stormed the Bastille fortress in Paris. That event marks the beginning of the historical period of the French revolution. It is the national day for France.