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From all possible areas of research, such as written documents, it can be said that there are few if any positive impacts that European settlers brought to the New World. Unfortunately, the Europeans brought with them diseases unknown in the Western Hemisphere, and ultimately the Europeans took all the land of the Native Americans.

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Q: How did the Europeans have a positive impact on the Native Americans?
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What were the advantages of European exploration on the Native Americans?

There were many adnvantages and disadvantages of European exploration on the Native Americans

How did European exploration impact native Americans?

European exploration of the Americas had a devastating impact upon the Native population. Specifically, the Europeans brought diseases with them that the Native Americans had no immunity against. The Native population was ultimately reduced by 90 percent.

Was Columbus's impact positive or negative in the new world?

Negative. It was the start of the death of Native Americans culture and lives.

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How did ponce de leon exploration affect the world BOTH positive and negative?

his negative impact was that he killed many Native Americans

How did the exploration and conquest of the Americas affect Europe?

Europeans had an extremely large impact on Native Americans, both in positive and negative ways. Negative ways are the most widely known and form the majority. Many Natives were killed either directly (through combat) or indirectly (through diseases). Their land was taken away from them and many of them were slaves or plantation workers. Most of them were also relocated across the Americas as well. All this has led to the incredible decline in the Native American population, which is why they are actually considered to be somewhat 'endangered'. Positive ways can also be found, however. Native Americans lived in tribes and these tribes had both allies and enemies. When Europeans came, not all were mean. The Spanish were destructive against the Natives, the French were friends with the Natives, and the British were just intermediate. The Europeans traded with the Natives and exposes the Natives to weapons, for example. This allowed the Natives to fight their enemies more destructively. Despite war being a terrible thing, this is actually considered a positive impact because it modernized the Natives. Also hidden in the previous statement was another positive impact: trade.

How did Columbus ' voyages impact the Americas?

His impact still echoes through the centuries. He was the start of the European invasion of the new world. The moment he stepped onto land he brought with him disease, and the old world to the new. The Native Americans would be killed, enslaved, and pushed off ancestral lands by the Europeans. For his part Columbus was a greedy man who wanted riches from his voyages, but he died broke and sick not knowing how he changed the world of Native Americans.

Describe the impact of europeans on Native American Indian cultures?

well; it depends on what your talking about by "native American" if you mean like the native American people (indians): the European explorers forced them out of their lands and homes. if you mean "Native American" like the original colonies and stuff-the European Culture had GREAT effects on our early early American culture-about the time the 13 colonies were established.

What was the Impact of European land claims on Native Americans?

European lands claim to Native Americans by battleing their fears

How did Columbus's voyages impact the Americas?

His impact still echoes through the centuries. He was the start of the European invasion of the new world. The moment he stepped onto land he brought with him disease, and the old world to the new. The Native Americans would be killed, enslaved, and pushed off ancestral lands by the Europeans. For his part Columbus was a greedy man who wanted riches from his voyages, but he died broke and sick not knowing how he changed the world of Native Americans.