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ancient Egyptian god of fertility, associated with water and with procreation. Khnum was worshipped from the 1st dynasty (c. 2925-2775 bce) into the early centuries ce. He was represented as a ram with horizontal twisting horns or as a man with a ram's head. Khnum was believed to have created humankind from clay like a potter; this scene, with him using a potter's wheel, was depicted in later times. The god's first main cult centre was Herwer, near Al-Ashmūnayn in Middle Egypt. From the New Kingdom (1539-1075 bce) on, however, he was the god of the island of Elephantine, near present-day Aswān, and was known as the lord of the surrounding First Cataract of the Nile River. At Elephantine he formed a triad of deities with the goddesses Satis and Anukis. Khnum also had an important cult at Esna, south of Thebes.

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13y ago

they went poopie in their pants. oh, they worshiped him on the toilet.

hope this helps.

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What did the Egyptians do to worship there gods?

They sacrificed themselves.

Did egyptians worship many gods?


How did the Egyptians worship most of their gods?

they worshipped their gods in temples

Why is there very little known about King Khufu?

Khnum-Khufwy which means Khnum {who was a god} protect me.

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He was the god of the EARTH, he controlled all things of the Earth

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