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Q: How did the Dawes Plan affect the coal industry?
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How did World War 1 affect the coal industry in Britain?

steam trains had to take evacuees to the country side in the trains wich destroyed the coal industry in britain

What is the aim of the coal industry of the UK?

To make coal

What is West Virginia's major industry?

Coal mining is the major industry in West Virginia.

Examples national primary sector?

a coal industry or fishing industry. a coal industry or fishing industry. this means anything that is sourced from the ground is an example of the primary sector

When was Datong Coal Industry Company Limited created?

Datong Coal Industry Company Limited was created in 2001.

When was Huaibei Coal Industry Teachers College created?

Huaibei Coal Industry Teachers College was created in 1974.

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Mun Myong Hak is the Minister of Coal Industry for North Korea.

Which industry launched the Industrial Revolution?

The coal industry

How did the growth of the railroad affect the development of other industry?

everything boomed, coal mines could get their products places faster, helped develope the corporation

How did the growth of the railroad industry affect the development of the industries?

everything boomed, coal mines could get their products places faster, helped develope the corporation

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