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the Colombian exchange caused the slave trade because European plantations in the Americas demanded extensive laborers to man them. Native Americans first were forced to become the laborers, but disease and lack of training made them incapable of completing the work. Therefore Europeans shipped Africans to America in order to man the plantations. The reason behind this was to get strong labor that already was exposed to European diseases. Since Africa is very close to Europe, the Africans had more exposer to the diseases, and thus, were better suited for the job.

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Q: How did the Columbian Exchange contribute to the Atlantic Slave Trade?
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Increased the volume of trade in the Atlantic.

How did the Portuguese settlement of Brazil contribute to the development of the Atlantic slave trade?

Increased the volume of trade in the Atlantic.

How did African merchants contribute to the development of the Atlantic slave trade?

African merchants played a role in facilitating the Atlantic slave trade by capturing and selling individuals from rival ethnic groups to European slave traders in exchange for goods like firearms and textiles. This trade was often driven by intertribal conflict and the desire to gain power and resources.

What was the African contribution to the Columbian Exchange?

Africans were involved with the slave trade. They were expanding the world economy. Diaspora of millions of Africans to the middle east, europe and americas. movement of Africans as captive laborers and the creation of slave- based societies. so basically, slave c:

What did the Atlantic slave trade trade?

slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade

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What countries were in the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange refers to the trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas. More specifically, in Europe, the countries that dominated this trade were England France Spain and Portugal. West Africa was involved in the slave trade which went to the Caribbean, Brazil, Peru and Southeastern US.

How did sugarcane contribute to the formation if the Atlantic slave trade?

The demand for sugarcane as a cash crop in the Americas led to the intense labor needs on plantations, prompting European colonizers to turn to the transatlantic slave trade to meet these demands. This resulted in the forced migration of millions of African slaves to work on sugarcane plantations, forming a crucial aspect of the Atlantic slave trade.

How did the creation of the Atlantic slave trade affect colonies' relationship with their mother countries?

It resulted in a triangular exchange between the Americas, Europe, and Africa rather than a direct exchange between colonies and their mother countries. -Jade

What was the Atlantic crossing in the slave trade known as what?

Slave Passage

How did the columbian exchange affect population size and movement?

The Columbian Exchange led to significant population changes by introducing new foods and diseases to different regions. This resulted in population growth in some areas due to the introduction of new staple crops, while also leading to population decline in others due to the spread of diseases like smallpox. The exchange also facilitated the movement of people across continents through colonization, trade, and the transatlantic slave trade.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect Africa?

Because the Columbian Exchange brought disease to the Americas and killed most of the work force enslaved by the Europeans. They started using Africans. since there had been much contact between Europe and Africa disease wasn't really an issue. many tribes in Africa sold their countrymen into slavery for weapons and other status symbols. One of the good things to come out of it was the introduction of new cash crops to Africa. Because of the Columbian Exchange, Africa and the rest of the world has potatoes and corn as well as many other crops.